Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Lots to say

What a busy few days I've had. Sunday was the Plymouth Half Marathon. We were up really late as next door decided 9:30pm was a great time to set fire to a vast pile of cardboard, and were still burning it at nearly midnight! Managed to get some sleep and set off in tme for the race. It was incredibly hot, warmest day of the year so far, so my plans of walking the drink stations and run-walking the hills looked to be a good one. What I'd not banked on was a) needing so much water at the stations that my walk lasted longer than I'd anticipated b) the later stations running out of water completely and c) just taking so much longer because of the heat. Still I finished it, so that's my first Half since my operations done. Next one is 21st June in Torbay.

About 4 miles

Relaxing in the Athletes' Village

No blisters anywhere, my worst problem seems to be a really sore toe nail, feels like it's been bashed against the end of my running shoe. So after the race, the next day was Bank Holiday, and I'd decided to bake!!

Apricot and Almond Cake:

Not much left of it now, except the plate!

My finish for this week's quilting was the ballet raffle quilt. I'd had a major crisis of confidence and ended up sitting in front of my machine for ages just gazing at it and not having any clue how I was going to quilt this one. This in spite of planing it weeks ago in my head. For some reason what I'd planned just wouldn't come through. Eventually, I did a small bit of FMQ on some scrap fabric, weeded and pruned the flowerbed, hoovered (I know that's how desperate I was!) and about 2 hours later made a very tentative start. I like how it's turned out, but I hated feeling so helpless in my sewing. Anyway, FMQ-ed in lop-de-loop with frequent heart meanders throughout the top, in a sugar pink thread. I bought the binding fabric from Janet a month or so ago, and I have to admit I love the way the bias stripes have worked. I'd have preferred more pink/white, but this pink/multi gives a definite "end" to the quilt and makes quite a statement. The corners I cut using a side plate for the curves!

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Another race, another quilt!

So last Saturday evening was the return of the Ivybridge 10K. I did it last year in my slowest ever time, so I had a date with that big hill going towards the viaduct. You do about a mile, then the second one is vertical! I just took it easy and didn't try to run the whole hill, but I ran a fair lot of it doing run/walk. I'd been timing myself and the K that the hill was in was a full minute slower than every other K in the race. My unofficial time was 50 seconds slower than 7 minutes per kilometre, so I know exactly where I have to make time up next year!

This shot is of the club before the start, and

This one is of me with less than 150 yards to go.

Still nothing with both feet off the ground!

And today I've been working hard on finishing my block of the month from my online group. It was a machine trapunto block, so I was keen to have another go at the technique. I loved doing it, but on reflection, the quilting pattern has mad my fabric look a bit like lizard skin. Ooops

My other finish this week is the next of the Plym Piecemakers Round Robin. No sneaky peek yet, as I've got to press the blocks for a final time, then another close close-up so the person it's for can't tell what it is.

I'd love to know what mine's looking long as there's no Sunbonnet Sue, I'll be thrilled with it. I put the lime green fabric in my bag in the end, so each row will have some of it in there.

This time next week, I'll have run my 3rd Plymouth Half, and my 5th Half Marathon ever!

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Log cabin paradise

What a fabulous day it is here in sunny Devon!! Mayday Bank Holiday weekend, and lots planned. It's funny before we got the car, I'd not even thought about day trips out to the Moors, but tomorrow, we're all piling in for a trip out to the wilds of Dartmoor. Must remember the camera! Tonight, me and Mike are off out to a Jazz festival in the Barbican, and then on Monday they're holding a New Orleans style umbrella parade through the streets, so we're all going down for that. More camera opportunities.

I've finished piecing the log cabin quilt for H's ballet group, and know exactly how it's being quilted, after practicing it on the April challenge quiltlet. Loop de loops with random hearts thrown in for good measure. I took the top to ballet this morning to shown them and they all seem to like it, so with luck they'll raise lots of money for this year's charity.

My other recent finish is the wallhanging for my mother in law. I've finished sewing round all the silk flowers to hold them in place, and have to admit it's looking better than I expected! I've found some gorgeous hand dyed fabrics that I bought in Birmingham last year and haven't used yet, and one of them's the exact shade of blue I was thinking of using for the border. I'm going to play with widths this afternoon. I'm thinking about 2" would look good.

The vase and background are from fabric I dyed myself last summer and didn't quite know what to do with them afterwards.