After we'd got back from Bath, I realised I had far too much fabric to fit into my boxes. I sent DH to the local homestore to buy a couple more, then set to sorting all my fabric out. I tried banning everyone from the lounge while I did it, but they kept creeping in anyway!! (Usually when the stash was looking its worst)
I threw out a carrier bag full of tiny pieces. I mean seriously small...less than 1" square, or 1/2" wide strips. The rest was re-sorted into boxes.
1. Pre-cut strips. This is in a panettone box from Christmas a few years ago
2. Paper piecing sized pieces. In an old hat box that was stuffed with baby gifts from when DS was born.
3. Large scraps, less than FQ size. In a plastic tub
4. Fat quarters. In 2 specialised FQ storage bags
5. Small yardage. Pieces bigger than FQ size but not full yards. In a plastic box
6. Large yardage. Pieces bigger than 1yd. In a big plastic box.
7. Orphan blocks, sample pieces, pre-cut squares and WIPs. In another plastic box.
I've been out running twice in the last week as well, must be feeling better!! My blood results came back with the T4 slightly high but the TSH at .5 which the consultant seemed happy with. I'm booked to do two races by the end of March, but DH has just been diagnosed with a detached retina so I've no idea if he'll be able to drive me there!