Tuesday, 10 March 2009

sample quilting

This is what I've decided on for both baby quilts. It's based on Patsy Thompson's innnies and outies, and the sample is my first attempt at it. I can see every mistake, but I can explain them too! I'd set the machine up properly, but because I was onlt making a small sample, I'd not bothered with the extension table, so each time I got to the edges, you can see where I've either wiggled it round or stalled totally. Should be a lot easier with the extension on.

And here's the first preview of the second baby quilt. Look at those gorgeous colours! That's the Fig and Plum from Moda that I bought on Saturday.

And this is the original version, still looking good.

I layered the both last night, I was able to get the backing out of one width of backing fabric, so plenty left over to go in the stash!

Quilt group tonight, so lots of new ideas after I'm back from that!

1 comment:

Jackie's Stitches said...

I like the pattern you chose for your quilt. I'm a new quilter and determined to free motion quilt. I have one of Patsy Thompsons DVDs and find it very helpful. I've done my first FMQ project - it's awful - but I know I'll get better!